Biblical Studies
The focus in Biblical Studies is on mastering the entire English Bible, all 66 books. The tools and instructions provided in these programs, if followed faithfully, will lead the students daily and systematically into an ever increasing comprehension, appreciation and love for the Bible, its message, and its Author. For those who want above all else to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ these programs are recommended.
Counselor (1st Year) BA 11-14 Through the Bible BB 11-12 Bible Memorization BC 11-12 Books of the Bible BD 11 Bible Exposition SA 11-14 Bible Doctrines PA 11-14 Spiritual Life PK 11-13 Field Technology PY 11-14 Field Laboratory | Associate (2nd Year) BA 21-24 Through the Bible BB 21-22 Bible Memorization BC 21-22 Books of the Bible BD 21 Bible Exposition SA 21-22 Bible Doctrines SC 21-22 Historical Theology PA 21-24 Spiritual Life PK 21-23 Field Technology PY 21-24 Field Laboratory |
Specialist (3rd Year) BA 31-34 Through the Bible BB 31-32 Bible Memorization BC 31-32 Books of the Bible BD 31 Bible Exposition SA 31-32 Bible Doctrines SC 31-32 Historical Theology PA 31-34 Spiritual Life PK 31-33 Field Technology PY 31-34 Field Laboratory | Bachelor (4th Year) BA 41-44 Through the Bible BB 41-42 Bible Memorization BC 41-42 Books of the Bible BD 41 Bible Exposition SA 41-42 Bible Doctrines SD 41-42 Apologetics PA 41-44 Spiritual Life PK 41-43 Field Technology PY 41-44 Field Laboratory |
Master (5th Year) BA 51-54 Through the Bible BB 51-52 Bible Memorization BC 51-52 Books of the Bible BD 51-52 Bible Exposition SA 51-54 Bible Doctrines PA 51-54 Spiritual Life PK 51-52 Field Technology PY 51-54 Field Laboratory | Doctor (6-7th Year) BA 61-68 Through the Bible BB 61-64 Bible Memorization BC 61-64 Books of the Bible BD 61-65 Bible Exposition SA 61-68 Bible Doctrines PA 61-68 Spiritual Life PK 61-65 Field Technology PY 61-64 Field Laboratory PZ 61-62 20,000 Word Thesis |
Biblical Theology
The statements in the introduction to Biblical Studies apply also to our programs in Biblical Theology. But the assignments in these progams are more theologically oriented. Advanced systematic theology will be pursued beginning at the Bachelor level. Greek/Hebrew exegesis will be introducted in the graduate programs. For those desiring a more rigorous theological and exegetical approach to the Scriptures these programs are recommended.
Counselor (1st Year) BA 11-14 Through the Bible BB 11-12 Bible Memorization BC 11-12 Books of the Bible BD 11 Bible Exposition SA 11-14 Bible Doctrines PA 11-14 Spiritual Life PK 11-13 Field Technology PY 11-14 Field Laboratory | Associate (2nd Year) BA 21-24 Through the Bible BB 21-22 Bible Memorization BC 21-22 Books of the Bible BD 21 Bible Exposition SA 21-22 Bible Doctrines SC 21-22 Historical Theology PA 21-24 Spiritual Life PK 21-23 Field Technology PY 21-24 Field Laboratory |
Specialist (3rd Year) BA 31-34 Through the Bible BB 31-32 Bible Memorization BC 31-32 Books of the Bible BD 31-32 Bible Exposition SA 31-32 Bible Doctrines SC 31-32 Historical Theology PA 31-34 Spiritual Life PK 31-32 Field Technology PY 31-34 Field Laboratory | Bachelor (4th Year) BA 41-44 Through the Bible BB 41-42 Bible Memorization BC 41-42 Books of the Bible BD 41-42 Bible Exposition SB 41-42 Systematic Theology SD 41-42 Apologetics PA 41-44 Spiritual Life PK 41-43 Field Technology PY 41-42 Field Laboratory PZ 41 10,000 Word Thesis |
Master (5th Year) BA 51-54 Through the Bible BB 51-52 Bible Memorization BC 51-52 Books of the Bible BD 51-53 Bible Exposition BE 51-54 Bible Exegesis SB 51-54 Systematic Theology PA 51-53 Spiritual Life PZ 51-52 20,000 Word Thesis | Doctor (6-7th Year) BA 61-68 Through the Bible BB 61-64 Bible Memorization BC 61-64 Books of the Bible BD 61-68 Bible Exposition BE 61-66 Bible Exegesis SB 61-68 Systematic Theology PA 61-66 Spiritual Life PZ 61-64 40,000 Word Thesis |
Ministerial Theology
The programs in Ministerial Theology are designed to prepare pastors, evangelists, church elders and others involved in the leadership of the local church and its outreach. Emphasis is given to mastery of the English Bible, Bible exposition, theology, spiritual life, preaching, evangelism, teaching, administration, Biblical counseling and other areas of church leadership.
Counselor (1st Year) BA 11-14 Through the Bible BB 11-12 Bible Memorization BC 11-12 Books of the Bible BD 11 Bible Exposition SA 11-14 Bible Doctrines PA 11-14 Spiritual Life PM 11-13 Ministerial Theology PY 11-14 Field Laboratory | Associate (2nd Year) BA 21-24 Through the Bible BB 21-22 Bible Memorization BC 21-22 Books of the Bible BD 21 Bible Exposition SA 21-22 Bible Doctrines SC 21-22 Historical Theology PA 21-24 Spiritual Life PM 21-23 Ministerial Theology PY 21-24 Field Laboratory |
Specialist (3rd Year) BA 31-34 Through the Bible BB 31-32 Bible Memorization BC 31-32 Books of the Bible BD 31 Bible Exposition SA 31-32 Bible Doctrines SC 31-32 Historical Theology PA 31-34 Spiritual Life PM 31-33 Ministerial Theology PY 31-34 Field Laboratory | Bachelor (4th Year) BA 41-44 Through the Bible BB 41-42 Bible Memorization BC 41-42 Books of the Bible BD 41 Bible Exposition SA 41-42 Bible Doctrines SD 41-42 Apologetics PA 41-44 Spiritual Life PM 41-43 Ministerial Theology PY 41-44 Field Laboratory |
Master (5th Year) BA 51-54 Through the Bible BB 51-52 Bible Memorization BC 51-52 Books of the Bible BD 51-52 Bible Exposition SA 51-52 Bible Doctrines PA 51-54 Spiritual Life PM 51-54 Ministerial Theology PY 51-54 Field Laboratory | Doctor (6-7th Year) BA 61-68 Through the Bible BB 61-64 Bible Memorization BC 61-64 Books of the Bible BD 61-63 Bible Exposition SA 61-64 Bible Doctrines PA 61-68 Spiritual Life PM 61-68 Ministerial Theology PY 61-67 Field Laboratory PZ 61-62 20,000 Word Thesis |
Christian Education
The programs in Christian Education are designed to prepare teachers and administrators in the educational functions of the local church, Christian day school, or home school. Emphasis is given to mastery of the English Bible, theology, spiritual life, Christian educational philosophy and practice, principles of effective teaching and administration, Biblical counseling and other subjects related to the student’s area of specilization.
Counselor (1st Year) BA 11-14 Through the Bible BB 11-12 Bible Memorization BC 11-12 Books of the Bible BD 11 Bible Exposition SA 11-14 Bible Doctrines PA 11-14 Spiritual Life PE 11-13 Christian Education PY 11-14 Field Laboratory | Associate (2nd Year) BA 21-24 Through the Bible BB 21-22 Bible Memorization BC 21-22 Books of the Bible BD 21 Bible Exposition SA 21-22 Bible Doctrines SC 21-22 Historical Theology PA 21-24 Spiritual Life PE 21-23 Christian Education PY 21-24 Field Laboratory |
Specialist (3rd Year) BA 31-34 Through the Bible BB 31-32 Bible Memorization BC 31-32 Books of the Bible BD 31 Bible Exposition SA 31-32 Bible Doctrines SC 31-32 Historical Theology PA 31-34 Spiritual Life PE 31-33 Christian Education PY 31-34 Field Laboratory | Bachelor (4th Year) BA 41-44 Through the Bible BB 41-42 Bible Memorization BC 41-42 Books of the Bible BD 41 Bible Exposition SA 41-42 Bible Doctrines SD 41-42 Apologetics PA 41-44 Spiritual Life PE 41-43 Christian Education PY 41-44 Field Laboratory |
Master (5th Year) BA 51-54 Through the Bible BB 51-52 Bible Memorization BC 51-52 Books of the Bible BD 51-52 Bible Exposition SA 51-52 Bible Doctrines PA 51-54 Spiritual Life PE 51-54 Christian Education PY 51-54 Field Laboratory | Doctor (6-7th Year) BA 61-68 Through the Bible BB 61-64 Bible Memorization BC 61-64 Books of the Bible BD 61-63 Bible Exposition SA 61-64 Bible Doctrines PA 61-68 Spiritual Life PE 61-68 Christian Education PY 61-67 Field Laboratory PZ 61-62 20,000 Word Thesis |
Biblical Counseling
The programs in Biblical Counseling are designed to prepare counselors for the local church. The effective God centered principles and methods in counseling which abound in the Scriptures are presented. The intrusions of error by secular humanism and psychology are exposed and refuted. Emphasis is given to mastery of the English Bible, theology, spiritual life, and counseling theory and practice.
Counselor (1st Year) BA 11-14 Through the Bible BB 11-12 Bible Memorization BC 11-12 Books of the Bible BD 11 Bible Exposition SA 11-14 Bible Doctrines PA 11-14 Spiritual Life PC 11-13 Biblical Counseling PY 11-14 Field Laboratory | Associate (2nd Year) BA 21-24 Through the Bible BB 21-22 Bible Memorization BC 21-22 Books of the Bible BD 21 Bible Exposition SA 21-22 Bible Doctrines SC 21-22 Historical Theology PA 21-24 Spiritual Life PC 21-23 Biblical Counseling PY 21-24 Field Laboratory |
Specialist (3rd Year) BA 31-34 Through the Bible BB 31-32 Bible Memorization BC 31-32 Books of the Bible BD 31 Bible Exposition SA 31-32 Bible Doctrines SC 31-32 Historical Theology PA 31-34 Spiritual Life PC 31-33 Biblical Counseling PY 31-34 Field Laboratory | Bachelor (4th Year) BA 41-44 Through the Bible BB 41-42 Bible Memorization BC 41-42 Books of the Bible BD 41 Bible Exposition SA 41-42 Bible Doctrines SD 41-42 Apologetics PA 41-44 Spiritual Life PC 41-43 Biblical Counseling PY 41-44 Field Laboratory |
Master (5th Year) BA 51-54 Through the Bible BB 51-52 Bible Memorization BC 51-52 Books of the Bible BD 51-52 Bible Exposition SA 51-52 Bible Doctrines PA 51-54 Spiritual Life PC 51-54 Biblical Counseling PY 51-54 Field Laboratory | Doctor (6-7th Year) BA 61-68 Through the Bible BB 61-64 Bible Memorization BC 61-64 Books of the Bible BD 61-63 Bible Exposition SA 61-64 Bible Doctrines PA 61-68 Spiritual Life PC 61-68 Biblical Counseling PY 61-67 Field Laboratory PZ 61-62 20,000 Word Thesis |
Career Ministries
The programs in Career Ministries are designed to prepare those in secular careers for a fruitful spiritual ministry on the job. Secular work is full time Christian service! Many out there will not be reached for Christ other than through those whom God has placed in the workworld and neighborhoods to witness. This program prepares you for such vital ministries. Emphasis is given to mastery of the English Bible, theology, spiritual life, counseling and witnessing.
Counselor (1st Year) BA 11-14 Through the Bible BB 11-12 Bible Memorization BC 11-12 Books of the Bible BD 11 Bible Exposition SA 11-14 Bible Doctrines PA 11-14 Spiritual Life PC 11-13 Biblical Counseling PY 11-14 Field Laboratory | Associate (2nd Year) BA 21-24 Through the Bible BB 21-22 Bible Memorization BC 21-22 Books of the Bible BD 21 Bible Exposition SA 21-22 Bible Doctrines SC 21-22 Historical Theology PA 21-24 Spiritual Life PK 21-23 Field Technology PY 21-24 Field Laboratory |
Specialist (3rd Year) BA 31-34 Through the Bible BB 31-32 Bible Memorization BC 31-32 Books of the Bible BD 31 Bible Exposition SA 31-32 Bible Doctrines SC 31-32 Historical Theology PA 31-34 Spiritual Life PK 31-33 Field Technology PY 31-34 Field Laboratory | Bachelor (4th Year) BA 41-44 Through the Bible BB 41-42 Bible Memorization BC 41-42 Books of the Bible BD 41 Bible Exposition SA 41-42 Bible Doctrines SD 41-42 Apologetics PA 41-44 Spiritual Life PK 41-43 Field Technology PY 41-44 Field Laboratory |
Master (5th Year) BA 51-54 Through the Bible BB 51-52 Bible Memorization BC 51-52 Books of the Bible BD 51-52 Bible Exposition SA 51-52 Bible Doctrines PA 51-54 Spiritual Life PK 51-54 Field Technology PY 51-54 Field Laboratory | Doctor (6-7th Year) BA 61-68 Through the Bible BB 61-64 Bible Memorization BC 61-64 Books of the Bible BD 61-63 Bible Exposition SA 61-64 Bible Doctrines PA 61-68 Spiritual Life PK 61-68 Field Technology PY 61-67 Field Laboratory PZ 61-62 20,000 Word Thesis |